College Oaks MH & RV Park Sacramento 95841

5000 Auburn Blvd., #18

Sacramento, CA 95841 • Sacramento
1 | 1 | 420
$360 Est. Monthly Mortgage View Total Payment Including Rent

2006 Skyline Skyline


This Sacramento, CA mobile home park and RV park is conveniently located near public transportation, restaurants, shops, markets, entertainment, parks, Sacramento McClellan Airport, American River College, and more! From RV sites for rent to remodeled mobile homes for sale or rent, this park has something for everyone! Caring management ensures this mobile home and RV park is clean, quiet, and safe. Friendly neighbors are waiting to welcome you home to College Oaks Mobile Home and RV Park!

College Oaks MH & RV Park
"I have been living here for a year now. From property management to residents, all have gone out of there way to help and show patience with me and my personal disabilities. " - Marc G. "I visited my daughter at the college Oaks MH and RV park and found it to be very clean and friendly as I interacted with other tenants there. They seem to really enjoy living at this location. Great job to the management team for keeping up with this property." - Gregory M. "I had such a great experience with this park. The park is nice and clean. The manager was very knowledgeable and answered all of my questions. I would recommend to anyone looking!" - Nicole P.
Estimate Total Payment
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Estimate based on an interest rate (APR) of 12% to be confirmed on approved credit. Please contact us to confirm and learn more. Call Now and Speak to Our Team 877-408-0801
House Price$34,995 Down Payment$5,000 Loan Term15 Years Estimated Payment Monthly Mortgage$1335 Mortgage$360 Rent$975 Taxes/InsuranceTBD

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